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Sexual Addiction Counseling

Are you feeling shame from compulsive behaviors and feeling helpless about your personal impulses? Is this becoming a strain on relationshipsin your life? Sex addiction goes beyond the physical act of sex and can impact various areas of an individual’s life. This fear of not being accepted encourages many people towards a life of secrecy. One of which will become very lonely and only harm you and others you deeply care about. 

There are resources that have made it possible to diagnose individuals with sex addiction and this has become a more common disorder. A person who enjoys having sex is not the definition of a sex addict. Rather, sexual addiction can manifest itself in compulsive behaviors such as feeling the urge to constantly surround oneself in sexually stimulating situations. 

A person may be struggling with sex addiction if they show multiple of these symptoms: 

  • Obsessive sexual thoughts and fantasies
  • Tendencies of having compulsive relations with multiple sex partners
  • Lying to cover suspicious behaviors
  • Preoccupation with sex, allowing it to interfere with daily schedules, productivity, work ethic, etc. in a careless manner
  • Inability to prevent these behaviors from becoming a pattern
  • Endangering others due to sexual behavior
  • Feeling shame and guilt from sexual behaviors

Sexual Addiction has grown to become one of our primary specialties. With a sensitivity to approach this topic as caring professionals. We believe that with proper individualized care that targets each individual’s needs there is a road to recovery. Sex Addiction/CSBD is both real and impacting families when poor quality treatment is being implemented. After six years of experience with individuals who struggle in this area, we are confident in our collaborative process for healing.