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Men's Betrayal Trauma Intensive

What is the Men’s Partner Betrayal Trauma Intensive?

The Broken Bonds: Men’s Partner Betrayal Trauma Intensive is a powerful, immersive therapeutic program designed specifically for men who have experienced betrayal in their relationships. Whether you’ve discovered infidelity, been lied to, or suffered other forms of relational betrayal, this intensive offers a structured and supportive environment to help you process the emotional pain, rebuild your strength, and find a path to healing.This intensive consists of a series of carefully designed three-hour sessions, each one aimed at addressing the complex layers of betrayal trauma. Additionally, this intensive can be conducted alongside your ongoing individual therapy sessions and in collaboration with your existing therapist. This teamwork approach provides an extra layer of support, ensuring that all parties involved are aligned and working together to help you achieve your goals. program integrates therapeutic techniques, psychoeducation, and practical strategies, ensuring a holistic approach to your recovery.

What to Expect During the Intensive

Assessments and Personalization: Before the sessions begin, you'll undergo comprehensive assessments such as the Inventory for Partner Anxiety Stress and Trauma (IPAST) and the Post-Traumatic Stress Index-Revised (PTSI-R). These tools help tailor the program to your unique experiences and needs by providing valuable insights into your trauma responses.

Stability and Equilibrium: The initial phase of the program focuses on helping you find stability amidst the turmoil. Using the IRASE method, you'll explore your first traumatizing moment without reliving it, gradually approaching and processing it in a way that allows for emotional grounding. This process involves somatic exploration and addressing instinctual responses like flight, fight, or freeze.

Emotional Regulation: Dealing with the aftermath of betrayal requires effective emotional regulation. In this segment, you’ll learn to cope with intense emotions such as anger, shame, confusion, and numbness. Through various therapeutic activities, you’ll document your discovery stories, process your pain, and work on making peace with the past. Additionally, you’ll explore and release shame, move through confusion, and recognize and address numbness.

Hope and Checkpoints: Building hope is essential for recovery. Throughout the sessions, you’ll identify seeds of hope and silver linings in your experiences. Regular checkpoints will be provided to assess your progress, reflect on your journey, and offer feedback.

Psychoeducation: Understanding trauma is crucial for healing. You’ll gain knowledge about the nature of trauma, its impact on the brain and body, and the stages of deception. This segment will help you validate your feelings and establish a "shield of safety," empowering you to navigate your emotions and experiences more effectively.

Crisis Management and Foundation Building: You'll learn essential crisis management techniques and build a strong foundation for your recovery. This includes setting personal goals, establishing non-negotiable boundaries, creating communication plans, and building support networks. Emphasis is also placed on self-care and preparing to reach out for support when needed.

Communication: Effective communication is vital for rebuilding trust and relationships. You’ll develop a communication plan, choose whom to confide in and build a supportive network. Self-care planning is also a key component, ensuring you maintain your well-being throughout your recovery journey.

If you’re ready to take the first step toward healing from betrayal trauma, the Broken Bonds: Men’s Partner Betrayal Trauma Intensive offers the support, structure, and expertise you need. Join us to rebuild, recover, and thrive through this comprehensive and transformative program.